Maple Casino’s Freeroll Slots Tournament

 Featured as one of the website’s top-quality promotions, many Canadian gamblers routinely attend the casino’s flagship promotional campaigns. The freeroll tournament offers a $20,000 grand prize and a $4,000 attribution to individual slot winners.

Freeroll games include Microgaming-featured slots based upon King Arthur motifs, and many games recur on a month-to-month basis. Registration is available for both Canadian and international players including a wide array of online players all of which have multiple skill levels — are urged to attend.

For gamers, Maple Casino’s Freeroll Slots Tournament is unrivaled among web-based gaming platforms, and its lucrative winnings will surely attract a diverse crowd. Registration is simple: Head over to the Canadian gamblers’ Maple Casino site, and enter the freeroll tournament. 

This time around, the Avalon visual slots game has made its own reappearance leaving visitors enthralled. Casino-Mate’s Freeroll Tournament Casino-Mate carries a plethora of opportunities for freeroll, blackjack, and poker players, but its Freeroll Tournament is a house favorite among new patrons and return visitors. Casino-Mate’s Freeroll Tournament is entirely free to enter, and its prize pool can reach heights of 25,000 euros.


Once individuals are registered, they can begin spinning for prizes. Several freeroll categories exist, and each is incredibly entertaining for specific player types. The Monthly Slots Freeroll Tournament routinely carries unique themes, and its prize pool changes depending upon the player base size. For those up to the challenge, leader spots can be obtained in a king-of-the-hill fashion, no-holds-barge game day. Meanwhile, the 100-euro Daily Freeroll is perfect for patrons seeking a little pick-me-up.

As the name implies, it’s available daily, and features a prize pool that’s relatively consistent. The 100-euro Daily Freeroll is incredibly addictive, and its lower stakes are perfect for day-to-day access. For those seeking an exciting, no-entry-fee slot game; the 100-euro Daily Freeroll is the perfect option. Registration is available 12 hours prior to the tournament’s initiation, and it resets following each tournament’s end.