The Gambling Fundi’s

Meet the Founders: Robert Belose and Ryan Blumenthal

young and inspired gamer, I’d always dreamed of providing the gambling community with information, training tips and seasonal gaming insights. I was born in Houston, and I’ve worked to invoke the spirit of gaming for my surrounding community for nearly a decade.

Our site wasn’t always well-established. As far as humble beginnings go, many intend to start a foundation from a ground-up position. For me, such a position was located in Austin, Texas, where I met my co-founder, Ryan Blumenthal through our University of Texas graduating class. We both had a firm grasp upon industry mechanics, and we both had a good eye for blackjack players.

The VisionClassy

Together, a reprieve from sweat-inducing, long-hour gaming was created. We intended to deliver the perks and gifts gamers deserve. So we devised systems capable of reintroducing fun into serious gambling circles. Neighbors became involved, and family friends were called. In 2007, Ryan utilized an informative poker information YouTube channel to further promote our dream.

Channels were created, and chat rooms were installed. Before we knew it, we’d circumnavigated Texas’s poker and blackjack enthusiasts’ circle. Working closely with several information technology professionals, was created!

Sustainability and Reliability

We consider acute communication and transparency to be gaming hallmarks. Whether its slots, blackjack, poker or other games, we feel industry rewards and perks needn’t be exclusive to the “big league’s.” Free Casino Gifts — as the brand idea stood — was created to reinvigorate the community, revitalize downtimes, and reinstitute a reward-versus-benefit system capable of serving every gaming enthusiast.

Our journey has been long, but it’s only just begun. For us, our site is a new chapter. It’s a new age, and it’s brought us a wealth of opportunities directed toward enthusiastic gamers. When asked about startups and dream realization.

I have a single statement: “Do what you love, and opportunities will follow.”